Mike Tyson and his family talk of the town yet again…

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Mike Tyson and his family talk of the town yet again…

Mike Tyson is infamously known for his actions in and out of the ring. He has been the butt of many jokes with sayings like: “I’m just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!”

Unfortunately, there are no jokes this time…

Tyson’s 4-year-old daughter Exodus is on life support after she was found with her neck caught in a cord of a treadmill machine Monday.

Another family member of Tyson’s found her on a treadmill with her neck on a cable attached to the exercise machine at their Phoenix home.

Responding officers and firefighters performed CPR on Exodus as they rushed her to a nearby hospital, where she was in extremely critical condition.

Police Sgt. Andy Hill is calling this a “tragic accident.” In reports Hill also went on to say: “Everything in the investigation pointed to an accident. There’s nothing in the investigation that revealed anything suspicious.”

At this time we will sit back and wait for more information to be revealed. In the meantime lets hope everything turns out for the better with Exodus.


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