5 Steps to making Football Season a profitable one.

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5 Steps to making Football Season a profitable one.

The time of year that excites us men is virtually in site! Tailgating, Fantasy Football, late Monday Night’s, time away from our better halves – these are just a few of the finer things Football Season offers the male gender.

Another thing Football Season can offer is…MONEY! As men, we love making money when it’s fun – and can be done with a beer in hand. So here are some must-read tips from The World’s #1 Football Advisor that you should pay close attention to if you’re a fan of the greenbacks!

RULE #5 – THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A LOCK! This is a very important rule to keep buried in the back of your head. Just because the Pittsburgh Steelers are 10-2 and playing the 3-9 Cleveland Browns on Sunday, doesn’t mean the game is “a lock.” It only takes one LOCK to lose for most people to understand this concept. Nothing is a 100% certainty in this business. If there was were zero risk involved, wouldn’t everyone be doing it?

RULE #4 – STAY EMOTIONLESS WHEN BETTING! This is a very important rule for most to grasp when first starting. Just like most people, everyone is fan of a particular team but; you can’t let that come into play when betting. It blurs your decision-making and in the end, your bias towards a certain team will only lose you money. You have to look at each game with a clear mind and weigh your decision using logic – not based upon your love for a particular team, but upon the bottom-line facts. As a result, you should be able to wager on teams you root for (and against), but you must keep a clear, unbiased mind towards all teams.

RULE #3 – ALWAYS FOLLOW A BANKROLL SYSTEM! This rule might be just as important, or go hand in hand with the next rule we will get to. With that said; there is no need to get greedy in this business. Greed will always catch up with you. This isn’t Blackjack or Roulette where if yo go 2-0 Saturday in College Football, we should press our winnings Sunday in the NFL because we are on a hot streak. Discipline is critical in sports betting because wins and losses always occur in streaks. The biggest problem is that most bettors get too aggressive during hot streaks, and get cold feet during cold streaks. Streaks do not last forever, so stay consistent with your bankroll and NEVER, EVER chase your losses.

RULE #2 – NEVER BET MORE THAN YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE! This is the most important rule in this business today! We refer to it as “THE GOLDEN RULE” of Sports Betting. Now, if you have been betting on sports for while – this seems like an obvious statement. However; each and every football season attracts new blood – and those doing this for the very first time, and think making money will be a breeze, have another thing coming. Just like anything, you will make mistakes your very first time – so this rule must be embedded in your head!


RULE #1 – ALWAYS GET YOUR FOOTBALL ADVICE FROM PAYNEINSIDER.COM! At PayneInsider we accommodate your every sports betting want, and need. PayneInsider has the best Football handicapping service on the internet, bar none! Join PayneInsider and be part of a winning team today. We provide daily selections with complete research, analysis, and insider information. We also are among the best in the industry at setting you up with strict guidelines to managing your money (Bankroll). In an uncertain industry, be a part of something certain during Football Season. We are ranked in the top 1% of all sports handicappers in a 300 billion dollar industry each and every year. That’s an elite group that makes consistent profits betting on sports, and we are proud to be in such an elite class. The other 99% of the betting industry are consistent losers; don’t make your first losing pick of the Football Season by not choosing PayneInsider.com for your information!

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