The water in Orlando must be plentiful…

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The water in Orlando must be plentiful…

Talk about going out with a “BANG” – Dr. Robert Furchgott must have laced the pipelines of Orlando with his before he bit the dust.

As men, we should have all learned something from Tiger Woods. Well, maybe not learn but; AT LEAST have enough sense that’s common to let things blow over before following in his footsteps.

Unfortunately, his dear friend Shaquille O’Neal didn’t get that memo.

According to a report, Shaq had an 18-month affair with model Dominica Westling. “A source familiar with the situation has stated that the couple not only exchanges steamy emails but; also has cybersex using a Web camera.”

As if things couldn’t get worse, less than 24-Hours later model Vanessa Lopez filed a lawsuit in Florida claiming that after her affair with O’Neal he harassed her, sent nasty text messages, and even threatened her.

If only we could have put the puzzle pieces together over the years…

We could have seen this coming based upon some of the nicknames he’s carried over the years. One that comes to mind is, “Wilt Chamberneazy” – who would of known that was for his performances in the bed, rather than in the paint?

After pulling our best Jessica Fletcher and digging to the bottom of things, we’ve figured out how this nickname surfaced. You ready for this? This is good…

It was appointed to him by non other than Kobe Bryant! In his spare time away from playing “Fluff the Pillows” Bryant coined this nickname for Shaq in efforts to pay homage/comparison to Wilt Chamberlain. It’s been noted that Shaq considers this his favorite nickname and even had it printed on his baseball caps. Who would of known that was for his accomplishments surpassing 20,000 off the court, and not 25,000 on it?

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