Archives 2010

Pants on the Ground – American Idol

Pants on the Ground = “Instant Classic”

The performance by soon to be internet sensation Larry Platt, could of brought a tear to a glass eye. It was simply, rolling on the floor hilarious.

If your a person that likes witty, and loves “snarky” comments then Simon Cowell is you’re man – he doesn’t disappoint this time either.

Not to take anything away from Platts stellar performance (Break dancing included 1:02) it was the comments that brought tears to my eyes.

Simon: “Larry, Larrrrrrrrrry, thank you.”

Simon: “I have a horrible feeling that song could be a hit”

Randy: “Yea, Imma get my pants and Imma buy some belts after this, yea, lot of belts.”

Simon: “Larry, can I ask you a question: How old are you?”

Larry: “Sisssty-2 years old, sissty-2 years old. This year will be my birthday on the 27th.”

Simon: “There’s only a slight problem Larry, is that your a little bit over the age limit, Which is 28 – but I don’t think this is going to be the last we hear about you, I have a feeling about you Larry.”

If that wasn’t enough, watch the entire video again and don’t do a single thing other than watch Marry J Blige.

TAGS: American Idol | Marry J Blige | Randy Jackson

Image and video hosting by PayneInsider

The water in Orlando must be plentiful…

Talk about going out with a “BANG” – Dr. Robert Furchgott must have laced the pipelines of Orlando with his before he bit the dust.

As men, we should have all learned something from Tiger Woods. Well, maybe not learn but; AT LEAST have enough sense that’s common to let things blow over before following in his footsteps.

Unfortunately, his dear friend Shaquille O’Neal didn’t get that memo.

According to a report, Shaq had an 18-month affair with model Dominica Westling. “A source familiar with the situation has stated that the couple not only exchanges steamy emails but; also has cybersex using a Web camera.”

As if things couldn’t get worse, less than 24-Hours later model Vanessa Lopez filed a lawsuit in Florida claiming that after her affair with O’Neal he harassed her, sent nasty text messages, and even threatened her.

If only we could have put the puzzle pieces together over the years…

We could have seen this coming based upon some of the nicknames he’s carried over the years. One that comes to mind is, “Wilt Chamberneazy” – who would of known that was for his performances in the bed, rather than in the paint?

After pulling our best Jessica Fletcher and digging to the bottom of things, we’ve figured out how this nickname surfaced. You ready for this? This is good…

It was appointed to him by non other than Kobe Bryant! In his spare time away from playing “Fluff the Pillows” Bryant coined this nickname for Shaq in efforts to pay homage/comparison to Wilt Chamberlain. It’s been noted that Shaq considers this his favorite nickname and even had it printed on his baseball caps. Who would of known that was for his accomplishments surpassing 20,000 off the court, and not 25,000 on it?

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Friday Night Light’s (OFF) for Minka Kelly and Yankees Derrek Jeter. Wedding planned for November?

Tear your hearts out ladies. It seems as if Yankees star, and New York City legend Derek Jeter has settled down.

He wasn’t just taking a page out of Alex Rodriguez’s book by finding a good luck charm like Kate Hudson for the pennant race. Derek Jeter has been spotted with Friday Night Lights beauty Minka Kelly and it appears more serious than her cheering for her man in the front row of a Yankees playoff game.

After months of speculation that the Yankees’ hunk and his sexy steady Minka Kelly are headed to the altar, The NY Post has learned that the super couple may have settled on a wedding date — Nov. 5.

Settle down Yankee fans, you will notice that the wedding date is set days AFTER the pinstripes win back to back world series rings. The only thing this wedding may interfere with is the championship parade.

The Post has been all over this story and they’ve confirmed the report by spotting a curious entry in the official calendar at the ritzy reception palace Oheka Castle in Huntington, LI, for the first Friday in November that reads simply “JETER wedding.”

The opulent Oheka features a French-style chateau hotel and spa, with an exquisite main ballroom and formal gardens with eight reflecting pools and three fountains.The castle — the second-largest private residence in the United States — has hosted lavish parties for royalty, Hollywood stars and heads of state for nearly a century. Teen idol Kevin Jonas was married there last month. Oheka, known for fiercely protecting the privacy of its guests, would not comment.

This blog entry will create a lot of heartbreak for many women, I’m here to say it will cause heartbreak for a lot of men too if Jeter bats under .300 this season!

Here is the aforementioned Minka Kelly on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. I have to congratulate Derek Jeter for finding a truthful gal like Minka . She says: “I have a little Irish in me, I do yeah.” Many of you men and women out there thought Derek Jeter was just dropped from the stork a model-like, career .317 hitter. Many of you men and women out there thought DJ was Italian, Jewish, or Spanish but; I’m here to confirm Kelly’s story and tell you his father was African American and his mother was of Irish descent.

As I type this me and my broken heart is tearing the tape from all four corners of my Friday Night Light’s poster and yanking it down from above my bed. You can have her DJ, but don’t let me catch you pulling an Eldrick — Or else!!!

TAGS: Yankees | Friday Night Lights

T is for “Tiger has sex with lots of women not named Elin Woods.”

Written By: Ari Bazinsky

After a long hiatus, I figured I’d get back in the blogging game with my take on everyone’s favorite serial philanderer: Tiger Woods. We’ve all heard the numerous theories over the past few weeks. His wife bashed in the window while chasing him. He was on sleeping pills. He was drunk. Well, I have a theory of my own. I think Tiger was chasing the most hallowed record in sports.

You see, he’s already captured the world of golf. Nobody on the PGA Tour should even be on the same course as him. So Tiger decided to crossover and challenge Wilt Chamberlain’s 20,000 women mark. Now I know what your thinking: “Nobody’s touching 20,000. That’s tougher than DiMaggio’s 56 game hitting streak.” But I think Tiger is going for it and I’m pretty sure he’s going to get it.

Consider the facts. Fourteen have already come clean, which in celebrity numbers is approximately 7,428. Plus, he’s only 33-years-old. With modern ED drugs, that’s like being a horny college freshman all over again (which raises an interesting question: should Wilt’s record be counted separately since he was performing in the pre-Viagra era?) And with the advancements we’ve made in prenatal genetics, I’d say Tiger is about a decade away from having his own fleet of Aryan porn stars to tear through at his leisure. So even with this minor PR setback, I think he hits 20,000 before his 60th birthday. Now all that’s left is to see how the overly-competitive Michael Jordan reacts to this revelation.

Some may say “Enough with the Tiger Woods stuff already” but; this topic is grand for many reasons. First, who knew Elin had such a mean swing of her own? And second, let’s take a look at some of the ladies Tiger’s been chasing. That’s a wide range, of all shapes and sizes. Tiger doesn’t hate when it comes to women. They’re grrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

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